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Ways to Your Web Site Build Traffic

The following page is due for review and update. While the general concepts present remain valid, many of the details continue to evolve.

The following is an article compiled by Graeme Morris, Manager of Info-Design Online.

Few web site owners don’t desire greater levels of visitor traffic to their sites! Search Engine search results (called ‘natural search’) are an excellent, cost-effective way of building such traffic. Yet Search Engines are not the only way - or even necessarily the the best way - to market your web site in your particular market.

Consider the opportunities detailed below and which of them you can apply to your business Site. Ask of each; How can my business utilise this opportunity in our marketing "tool box" ?

Keep in mind, the factor motivating people to seek you online (and your competitors) is a need or want they experience. And once on your site, visitors need a clearly identifiable "call to action." In other words, something calling them to click the "Order now!", the "Enquire", "Subscribe Now!" or the "Request Information" link.

So, in seeking more traffic for your web site, think of ways to:

Opportunities to put your URL (web site address) "out there"

  1. Audit all of your printed materials. Think of…
    • Business stationery
    • Business cards
    • Statements
    • Invoices
    • Receipts
    • With Complements

  2. Review all marketing materials
    • White and Yellow Pages directory entries
    • Trade Directories, listings, editorial
    • Promotional Flyers
    • Brochures
    • Catalogues
    • Print Advertising
    • Radio Ads
    • "On Hold" message scripts
    • Packaging
    • Delivery Documents

  3. Reconsider all your signage:
    • Shop Front
    • Front Office
    • Billboards
    • Trade Show Displays
    • Company vehicles
    • Banners
    • Illuminated signage

  4. Consider the possibilities of promotional materials (give-aways)
    • Pens
    • Stickers
    • Fridge magnets
    • Drink coasters
    • Bookmarks

  5. Look at your sponsorship involvement. In what ways can your web address be included in sponsorship acknowledgements, ads or public displays?

  6. Employees. Consider how your employees (and even friends and family) can be part of promoting your online services/resources. Allow each one to look over your site - to be aware of its content presentation and page arrangement. Train them on the most effective ways of referring people to the site.

Keep your eyes open to what others (including your competitors) in your market are doing on, and with, their web sites.

Remember, much of what should be obvious in marketing is not! So, look again at your business and what has been done to market your online investment. Focusing on what has been overlooked, get your message "out there"!

Addendum: Maximising a site's exposure in the search listings - known as Search Engine Optimisation or SEO - is now a crucial factor in gaining visitor traffic. Another factor in gaining traffic is paid online ads (for example Google's AdWords). This is broadly known as Search Engine Marketing or SEM.

Thoughts compiled by Graeme Morris, Manager of Info-Design Online.


Resource: Printed: 2024-10-22
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